System Requirements

Supported Browsers

APD websites and web applications support the following desktop browsers:

For all browsers, you must enable JavaScript, cookies, and TLS 1.2. We recommend an internet connection with a minimum download speed of 4Mbps.

Mobile Devices & Tablets
  • Dashboards web application from APD is designed to be compatible with tablet and mobile devices
  • APD web applications are recommended to be used with a full desktop browser.

Desktop applications

Desktop applications provided by APD must be installed on a Microsoft Windows operating system. The minimum system requirements are shown below but as with most applications, performance will increase, the higher the specification of the host computer:

  • Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 (most recently supported version)
  • CPU: Intel Pentium 1.2Ghz
  • Memory: 2Gb RAM
  • Storage: 1Gb


Composite Reports and Management Accounts Reports are published in the following formats:

  • Microsoft Excel
  • Adobe PDF

In order to view Composite reports you will require:

  • Unzip utility (e.g. WinZip)
  • Microsoft Excel 2010 onwards, in a Microsoft Windows operating environment

Note, the dynamic functionality of the Microsoft Excel based composite reports is fully supported on a Microsoft Windows operating system platform. APD do not provide any guarantee that the dynamic functionality will operate in full on non-Microsoft Windows operating systems.